Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Little House on the Prairie Netflix Reboot


Exciting news, bonnetheads! Little House on the Prairie is getting a reboot!!! 

In this post on Variety from earlier today, Trip Friendly, son of Ed Friendly, Rebecca Sonnenshine (Vampire Diaries) and Jinny Howe from Netflix discuss the collaboration. 

Keeping in mind this will likely be a modernized version of the 1970s show that starred Michael Landon, Melissa Gilbert, Karen Grassle, Melissa Sue Anderson, and the Greenbush twins, I remain cautiously optimistic. We know it will be produced well, but how modernized will it be and how will the fans accept the changes? 

What are your thoughts? 

If you're curious how Netflix brought another classic book/show to life, check out my posts about Anne with an E, the most recent adaptation of Anne of Green Gables:

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