Sunday, September 29, 2024

Where Have I Been Lately?


This was going to be the year. The 50th Anniversary of Little House on the Prairie was a year I planned to follow along with all the events, listen to the podcasts, keep this blog active and share how much this show meant to me growing up. 

So... how has that turned out? Dismal? Paltry? Lame? 

Thank you to all the loyal readers who keep checking in no matter how often I post. Today, is the first day I've taken off since August 31, when I attended the Little House on the Prairie Cast Reunion in Farmington, CT. Here are some photos.

Dean Butler (Almanzo) signed my copy of Prairie Man

Met Sherri Stoner (Rachel Brown Oleson)

Met Pamela Roylance and David Freidman (Sarah and Jason Carter)

Reconnected with Charlotte Stewart (Miss Beadle/Mrs. Sims)

This wasn't the most well-run event, but the cast members were amazing. 

Other than that, real estate has been moving swiftly along, taking up a lot of time. I submitted my NaNoWriMo project from 2023 to a publisher. They sent out a thoughtful rejection a week ago. I have a backup plan, but I'm waiting a bit so I can look at the manuscript with fresh eyes. 

I've also begun plotting the second novel in the series. Likely will tackle NaNoWriMo again this year. So, my middle grade historical languishes while I attend to the small town romances I'm writing. My fifth children's book is also languishing, waiting for the publisher to have an artist ready. Life happens. 

Hope you are enjoying fall or spring, depending upon where you are in the world. Here in New England, the fall colors are peeking out from the greens of summer. Enjoy your weekend. 

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