Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Thanksgiving dinner was good. Pa shot a wild goose for it. Ma had to stew the goose because there was no fireplace, and no oven in the little stove. But she made dumplings in the gravy. There were corn dodgers and mashed potatoes. There were butter, and milk, and stewed dried plums. And three grains of parched corn lay beside each tin plate.

At the first Thanksgiving dinner the poor Pilgrims had had nothing to eat but three parched grains of corn. Then the Indians came and brought them turkeys, so the Pilgrims were thankful.

Now, after they had eaten their good, big Thanksgiving dinner, Laura and Mary could eat their grains of corn and remember the Pilgrims."--On the Banks of Plum Creek

Wishing you and your family and happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving!


Morgan Mandel said...

Happy Day After Thanksgiving!
I'm starting to get caught up again.

Morgan Mandel

Anonymous said...

Man, makes me want to go back to those times...;o)